This November, help us make a difference
What is the issue?
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an increasing problem worldwide, affecting both human and animal health. Antibiotics are essential to treat many conditions in both humans and animals. But they must be used carefully, to ensure they are effective when patients really need them. Bacteria are becoming resistant to many antibiotics that we use in human and veterinary medicine. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria develop defences that protect them from antibiotic medications, making treatment less effective.
If not used responsibly, antibiotics lead to dangerous side effects, delay an accurate diagnosis, and contribute to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Inappropriate disposal of unused antibiotics also damages the environment, impacting water quality and wildlife.
Antimicrobial resistance is one of the biggest global health issues of our time. We must act, together.
​​​​What is an Antibiotic Amnesty?
An Antibiotics Amnesty is running throughout November 2024 to encourage clients to return unused and out-of-date antibiotic medications prescribed for your pets to any branch of House & Jackson.
This will allow us to correctly and safely dispose of the antibiotic medications, which will avoid contamination of the environment and help prevent antimicrobial resistance due to inappropriate disposal.
Returning unused or out of date antibiotics will also help stop inappropriate antibiotic use.
Important facts:
Antimicrobial resistance is a world-wide health threat
Antimicrobial resistance occurs when bacteria develop mechanisms that protect them from the effects of antibiotic treatments, making treatment for people and animals less effective
Bacteria are becoming resistant to many antibiotics that we use in human and veterinary medicine
The environment is at risk if antibiotics aren’t disposed of properly. If antibiotics are disposed of inappropriately e.g. via household waste, this can contribute to antimicrobial resistance in the environment
You can play a part in keeping antibiotics working
Antibiotics are an essential treatment for many conditions in humans and in animals; we must use antibiotics carefully to keep them working when we need them:
You should never give your pet left-over or out of date antibiotics. Using antibiotics when not needed could risk side effects, delay an accurate diagnosis for your pet, and contribute to antimicrobial resistance
Antibiotics should be disposed of safely. Inappropriate disposal of unused antibiotics could contribute to antimicrobial resistance and pollute the environment through waterways, affecting our wildlife
How can you help?
Throughout November 2024, veterinary practices across the UK are holding an Antibiotic Amnesty where you can return any unused or partially used (extra or out of date) antibiotic medications to your veterinary practice for safe disposal
Speak to your vet practice about the campaign and ask how you can get involved. There are many ways you can be part of the campaign e.g. spread the word by posting details of the amnesty on social channels (you can re-share practice posts) or even just by talking to pet owners you know to raise awareness of the campaign
If you return your antibiotics, share your story and use the hashtag #AntibioticsAmnesty to further raise awareness
​Bring your unused or out of date antibiotics to us during November for safe disposal